Sunday, August 13, 2017

I don't know what's more frightening

I don't know what's more frightening privatizing the war in Afghanistan or the fact that we have a para-military group in the country that can deploy 5,000 troops to Afghanistan.  When I first read about this idea I could not believe it, I thought that it was fake news.  Then I saw that the ruling party is seriously considering the idea.  This might be the worst idea ever.  You cannot turn the fighting of a war that is being fought in the name of the United States over to mercenaries.  These mercenaries will not be accountable to the people of the United States or even to Congress, their loyalty will be to their employer.  And then there is the problem of a private fighting force that is at least 5,000 strong.  This is crazy to allow a potentially hostile army to operate within the country.  What happens if the CEO decides that he doesn't like the direction of the country and decides to takeover?  This country should not be outsourcing any of the tasks that this company is currently doing for us.  Instead we should be trying to figure out how to shut this company down. If we have no desire to fix the mess that we created in Afghanistan we should leave instead of privatizing the war because that will only make it worse.

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